Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Western Endeavour - Issue No.: 1101 Issue Date: 7 Jan, 2024

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Melanie honoured by her village in Kenya

Melanie Peyian, the RCWE sponsored student, was recently honoured by her village in Kenya. Melanie is the first person in Kimuka to graduate from university and become a doctor. Melanie expressed her gratitude to RCWE for making this possible and is determined to help her village in the future.

 If you wish to help children from poor Kimuka families improve their life opportunities, go to Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) Project 35-2012-3 RAWCS Home

Harry Nesbitt

Meeting Rosters
Thanks & Cleanup
3 minute bio
17 Jan, 24
Marcus Harris
David Fisher
Harry Nesbitt
23 Jan, 24
Jennifer Lee
Marcus Harris
John Boxall
Geoff Ross
John Boxall
30 Jan, 24
Marcus Harris
Marcus Harris
Geoff Ross
John Boxall
06 Feb, 24
Geoff Ross
Marcus Harris
John Boxall
Geoff Ross
John Boxall
13 Feb, 24
Jennifer Lee
Marcus Harris
Marina Berzins
05 Mar, 24
Barrie Heald
Laurie Glossop
Marina Berzins
Jane O'Leary
Marina Berzins
19 Mar, 24
Jennifer Lee
Marcus Harris
Geoff Ross
John Boxall
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