Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Western Endeavour - Issue No.: 1105 Issue Date: 4 Feb, 2024

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Marcus Harris - club president 


President Marcus Harris offers a view of the coming year based upon the RI principal "Create Hope in the World". He will be assisted in this venture by a comprehensive list of executive and committee directors. 

Club executive and committee leaders

President Elect. Donna Thornton

Secretary. Laurie Dender

Treasurer. Michael Lee

Youth.  Donna Thornton/Byron Williamson

Club Service. Marina Berzins/Geoff Ross

Fund Raising. Harry Nesbitt/Marcus Harris

Community service. David Fisher

Aboriginal Reference Group. Bruce Dufty

Rotary Foundation. Tony Parker

International. John Boxall

Membership. Peter Batskos and Rohan Nagappa

Harry Nesbitt

Meeting Rosters
Thanks & Cleanup
3 minute bio
06 Feb, 24
Geoff Ross
Marcus Harris
John Boxall
Geoff Ross
John Boxall
13 Feb, 24
Jennifer Lee
Marcus Harris
Marina Berzins
20 Feb, 24
Marcus Harris
Marcus Harris
Byron Williamson
Laurie Glossop
27 Feb, 24
Laurie Glossop
Marcus Harris
Geoff Ross
John Boxall
05 Mar, 24
Barrie Heald
Laurie Glossop
Marina Berzins
Jane O'Leary
Marina Berzins
19 Mar, 24
Jennifer Lee
Marcus Harris
Geoff Ross
John Boxall
02 Apr, 24
Michael Lee
Michael Lee
Donna Thornton
Barrie Heald
17 Apr, 24
Upcoming Events
Event Name
Reg. By
Our Club
Inglewood Sports club
Sat, 8 Jun, 24
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